How to ...

How to use social media for fundraising

Social media is a great way to keep your self motivated and achieve your fundraising goal.  Our How to guide gives you hints and tips on how to make the most of your social media accounts.

Ready to set-up your JustGiving or Facebook Fundraising page? 

Keep it fresh!

Use social media to keep your friends, family neighbours and colleagues up to date on how you are doing. It doesn't have to be complicated, post about a training session, a motivational meme, a challenge you have encountered or a milestone you have achieved.   

  • Profile and cover photos are a great way to make your posts stand out 
  • Photos help ensure your post reaches peoples social media feeds 
  • Video helps you stand out in a busy new feed
  • Stories on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are a really popular to get peoples attention, because they don't stay published very long!

Keep it easy!

It's important to make it easy for people to find how they can support your fundraising. .

Link to your fundraising pages should always included in your social media Bios. 

Hashtags are a great way to reach more people that you may not know. Use official hashtag of an organised event e.g. #PurpleDay #LondonMarathon  or create your own!

Say Thank-you!

Social media is perfect for shout outs! Say thank-you when anyone supports you and tag them in so you increase your reach further.

Have you decided what you want to do?

Tell us your fundraising idea