Receiving a diagnosis of epilepsy can be frightening and leave young people and their families feeling overwhelmed and isolated. By connecting with other families at our in-person meet-ups, Katelinn and Lorna were able to find mutual support and a safe space to share the challenges they face.
When the opportunity arose to share their story with the nation, Katelinn, 12 and her mum, Lorna bravely opened up with national newspaper, The Mirror, and highlighted the impact a diagnosis can have, not only on the child, but on the whole family.
Talking to Nia Dalton at The Mirror, Lorna described her fear of losing her daughter after the loss of her nephew, Mark, from SUDEP 16 years ago.
Katelinn had her first seizure, a Tonic Clonic, last year and at the time her family were shocked as Katelinn had never experienced this before.
Lorna describes how the family had noticed that Katelinn would have “episodes where she would just stare” for a couple of months prior and Katelinn has since been diagnosed with absence seizures.
Describing the experience of meeting other young people and their families at a Young Epilepsy meet-up Lorna said “we had an absolutely brilliant day” and went on to share that “Katelinn was able to open up with other kids and tell them how she was feeling. I spoke to other mums in the same boat and didn’t have to hide my tears.”
To read Katelinn and Lorna’s story in full visit: 'I fear my daughter will die every single day after a seizure took my nephew's life' - Mirror Online