Logging in and the Welcome Page

What if I have trouble logging in? You can find out more on the PKB Manual - Logging in and out (patientsknowbest.com)

If you forget your password contact pkbsupport@youngepilepsy.org.uk 

Back to 'My Epilepsy' Homepage
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How can I log into my PKB account?

You can easily log onto your account from your PC/laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

Click the link below and enter your email address and password, or use the 'Log in with NHS login' button.

You can tick the box to show your password if you wish to see what you have entered.

Log in to 'My Epilepsy'
my epilepsy screenshot

Welcome Page

This is your home page when you first log in. From here you can navigate to other sections of your record and perform some common actions.


Please use your portal to monitor your epilepsy symptoms, your lifestyle information and keep your health care data in one place.

We have added quick links to your most commonly used areas including:

  • Plans: complete and access your self management plans about you, your contacts, epilepsy, medical history and emergency plans
  • Sharing: share your record with your wider care group. Or if you are a carer, access the record of someone you are caring for
  • Library: Find Young Epilepsy information on living with epilepsy on the The Channelor connect with others in the epilepsy community via the Hub and save new information you find
  • Your most recent Notifications will appear on your Welcome Page

If your hospital trust is using PKB, you may also benefit from the Send message and events and messaging functions being active, to connect directly to your clinical teams.

my epilepsy screenshot

Latest Symptoms

This is a short quick way to save your symptoms once a day. When you have filled in your latest symptoms click “save” and your chart will close and reappear the next day.


You can view or add symptoms via your Self Management Plan or via the Health button.

Tip: If you record moderate or severe symptoms you will receive the following reminder “The symptoms you have entered suggest you may need to take further action. Your team may have advised you on the action to take: for example, consulting your care plan”.

Scroll down to the bottom of your screen and Click on the buttons to go to other parts of your record.

  • Events & messages function is where incoming and outgoing messages are stored.  But you will only be able to receive/send messages from/to your clinical team if your hospital is using PKB
  • Health add and view health information on your/ your child’s record, such as diagnoses, allergies, symptoms and record of seizures
  • Treatments for key information on your/ your child’s health via Plans for Self Management, Contacts, All about Me, Medical history and Emergency Plans your Medicines log, and library of useful epilepsy-related resources
  • Diary write your journal, upload videos of your seizures and record appointments
  • Files store together all important documents- letters, videos, audio recordings - to be easy accessed at any time
  • Devices link your other devices, such as your fitness tracker, to your PKB record so you have all your information in one place. (Young Epilepsy is working on getting your epilepsy apps and wearables integrated into PKB in the near future)
  • Sharing your record with your wider support group (friends, family and carers) and other professionals, to use your PKB record

Get in touch

Do you have a question about My Epilepsy? Do you need technical support? Email us at PKBsupport@youngepilepsy.org.uk

Email Support