Individual Healthcare Plans
Information about Individual Healthcare Plans for young people with epilepsy
Information about Individual Healthcare Plans for young people with epilepsy
Information for schools on communication and information sharing
Information for schools about seizure types and triggers, and planning for them
Information for schools about first aid for epilepsy seizures
Information for schools about keeping accurate seizure records, with visual aid
Young Epilepsy’s information for schools about status epilepticus and emergency medication, including training and storage
Information for schools about epilepsy anti-seizure medications and other epilepsy treatments.
Children and young people with epilepsy can be frightened, lonely and their condition is often misunderstood. You can help change that.
On Top Of Epilepsy mental health campaign for young people with epilepsy
Our health suite in Surrey offers diagnostic facilities for children with epilepsy and other neurological conditions.
Epilepsy can have a profound effect on a young person's emotions and behaviour. In addition to worries about living a normal life with the condition, many experience negative and unhelpful reactions to epilepsy from people around them. This can produce a range of emotional responses that make academic achievement at school difficult.
Young Epilepsy’s ABLE tool (Assessment of Behaviour and Learning in Epilepsy) is a simple questionnaire that school staff and parents can use to identify areas in behaviour and cognition that might impact a young person’s learning. This information, and any planned support arrangements, should be included in the young person’s Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP).
The ABLE tool questionnaire should be revisited termly to identify any changes in support needs.
ABLE Tool (Assessment of Behaviour and Learning in Epilepsy)
Individual Healthcare Plan (template)
Living with a serious condition such as epilepsy can take an emotional toll on a young person.
Epilepsy can often lead to young people feeling left out, but there’s really no reason for them not to enjoy a full social life.
Stigma and bullying is common in epilepsy, often due to widespread misunderstanding about the condition.
Not all young people with epilepsy have behavioural problems, but the chances are higher.
Other sections of the guide that may be of interest
An overview of the different laws and systems in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
The key elements of support that schools should have in place to ensure all young people with epilepsy are safe and included in school life
Information about seizure types, triggers, first aid, treatments, records, and emergency medication for schools
Information for schools about epilepsy's impact on learning for young people