We provide specialist support for young people or children and young people up to the age of 25 with behaviours that challenge and are linked to epilepsy, autism and/or other related neurological conditions.
This page provides details of the service we offer, the referral process, personalised plans and follow-up reports.
Ready to make a referral? Download Assessment and rehabilitation referral form and when complete email: youngepilepsy.healthservices@nhs.net
What we offer
We offer a full residential package which includes an in-depth evaluation of any environmental factors, including the impact of prescribed medication, which are triggering the behaviours of concern. This enables the team to work with the individual and their families to develop appropriate strategies to either eliminate or reduce the specific behaviours targeted.
The young person is always at the centre of the work we do, and we are mindful of seeing things from their perspective. Our highly skilled multi-disciplinary team offers a holistic approach and works collaboratively with the child or young person to understand the effect that the behaviours are having on their development.
It is essential that each assessment is tailored to meet the needs of the young person. To facilitate this, we conduct a short residential pre-assessment to enable the team to get to know the young person better, including gaining an understanding of their likes and dislikes. The unit manager then designs a comprehensive assessment plan for the young person’s stay with us to ensure that the programme of treatment is made on the basis of a detailed evaluation and an understanding of their individual needs. This means that choices around medical, educational, social and care support needs are all personalised accordingly. At the end of the assessment programme, a full evaluation report is provided along
with the offer of outreach follow up where appropriate.